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Job Search Strategies

Must-Know Interview Etiquette, Good Practices for Interview Day

1. Must-Know Interview Etiquette: Good Practices for Interview Day Calling all job seekers! Mastering the art of the job interview can be nerve-wracking, but have you ever stopped to consider the effect of your manners on your success? Displaying proper interview etiquette can greatly influence your perceived professionalism and, ultimately, the employer’s hiring decision. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the complexities of interview behavior while… 

“Do you have any questions?”

Whenever the interviewer ends his/ her interview they certainly end it with asking you of what questions you might have in your mind. Naturally, this question in itself is a bigger challenge since here also you have to be extremely productive and intelligent. You should never answer it as a simple “no” since this very question holds great significance in… 

Effective Interview Tips

The job interview is the most decisive event in your job search. Once, you present yourself effectively you can make the mark. Even if you are not selected, each successful interview gives a boost to your confidence. To me, the interview can be divided into three phases and each phase requires attention & thorough preparation. Pre-Interview Phase Research the Company…